Students Attendance
Each year a student is required to attend in each subject a minimum of 75% of lectures, Practical and Tutorials calculated separately in order to be eligible for promotions to the next higher class or for being sent up for the University Examinations. The syndicate may however con done the deficiency of attendance to the extent of 15% only in exceptional cases, but for +2 Examinations the C.H.S.E. may condone deficiency of attndance up to 10% only. There is no law to help a student in cases his / her percentage of attendance falls below the irreducible minimum of 60% or 65% as the case may be during an academic year. Students are advised to bear this fact in mind. The should not absent themselves from classes, otherwise they are liable to be detained irrespective of their performance in the examinations. The syndicate may also grant compensation to a further extent of 5% in cases of those who are deputed by the Govt. or University for any purpose. The same is with the Principal for +2 students. (Deputed to enter University or National camp, competition, games or sports to be recorded in writing) A candidate may be permitted to take up one of the M.I.L. as specified under clasus 14.3 of these regulation without the requirement of attendance at lectures, if a college in which he/she is admitted is not affiliated in that subject.