College Rules & Regulations
Discipline and order in your college is your credit, your image to the outside world. Hence it must be your concern to maintain it and help in maintaining the same.
1. Let not outside evil element tread the premises of the college.
2. No violence, no ugly scences, no infighting in the college is allowed for they destroy descipline and hold you in bad light and may compel the Principal to take disciplinary measures.
3. Don’t commit crimes, minor or major and don’t abet crime. Report Crimes to the Principal in confidence, you will be respected, you won’t be exposed.
4. Carrying any category of weapons and explosives is strictly prohibited.
5. Attendance at public meetings, particularly public meeting that are anathema to Government of the day should be done with the prior permission of the Chairman of the Governing Body of the college or the Principal (Act. 115 of Orissa Edn. Code)
6. Conduct inside the College Building.
* Don’t Scribble / Paste Placards on the college walls
* Don’t spit on the walls, floors pillars & doors,
* Don’t throw stones at the glass,
* Don’t tamper with the electric fittings and P.H.D. sanitary fittings and if
detected you are liable to pay the price of those articles,
* Don’t show your artistic skills on the walls with chalk or paints, During the
period of election use small nails to fix your poster on wooden structures
outside the building and bring them out personally after the elction if you are
a candidate in election. Your nomination will be invalid for misusing this rule,
* Don’t destroy the college property (help the administration in identifying the
destroyer your confidential report will be respected.)
7. Conduct inside Principal’s office class rooms and college corridor:
(A) Don’t
* make the building untidy
* ride on your cycles on the verandah or inside the college building
* smoke while you are inside the campus
* sing, dance or indulge in violent debates in the classroom * disturb the
arrangement of seats and bring out tables, chairs for your personal use from
the classrooms
* be late to a class. (If you are late seek permission for attendance from the
teacher concerned after the period is over)
(B)Inside your Principal’s Office
* Do never enter Principal’s at any time and every time for anything and
everything as the Principal has to attend so many problems of administration.
Students should meet the Principal for interview in the fixed hours 11.30 a.m.
to 12-30 p.m. and 3-30 pm. and 3-30 p.m. The College Union President, the
Vice President, Secretary and Assistant Secretary can see the Principal at
any time. Other Association Secretaries should consult their respective Vice
8. Know your common room, keep it neat and clean. Do not quarrel or be aggressive. Do not run away with Common Room property.
9. Inside Library:
* Borrow books from the librarian on your library day, standing in a queue to
get your books
* do not argue or misbehave with your library assistant and librarians
* do not talk loudly inside the reading room
* damaging pages from books and journals will be seriously dealt with alongwith due punishment.
10. Inside your laboratory, do not disobey your Teacher or Demonstrators.
11. Do not create any violent scene in the canteen or try to cheat the manager.
12. Do not misbehave or indulge in any violent clash with each other in any game or sports.
13. Do not enter the staff Common Room at your own sweet will
* Insulting any staff of the college in the class room, inside campus or outside
will be considered a serious crime.
14. While travelling in the buses
* do not quarrel or indulge in violent actions
* do never make unauthorised entry into the bus.
15. Any student found involved in the act of ragging is liable for expulsion from the college.
16. * Students having a record of indulgence in acts of indiscipline in the past
year shall not be admitted readmitted next year.
* Performance of Melody with the artists from outside under the auspices of
the College Union / Dramatic Society / any Students Association shall be
disallowed. The students shall exhibit their own talents.
* Students found to be quite negligent in attending classes shall be asked to
take C.L.C immediately.